On Monday July 10th, Malibu City Council is set to review two important items that needs the community’s attention and participation. Poison Free Malibu, who has championed the fight to ban pesticides in Malibu since 2012, are appealing to residents to pressure council to push through policy to ban harmful pesticides in Malibu, which has…
Call to Action by July 10th: Poison Free Malibu Urges Community Members to Support New Policy Banning Harmful Pesticides Severely Impacting Environmentally Sensitive Habitat, Wildlife and Ocean Quality
Kian and Joel Schulman of Poison Free Malibu need the community’s help to rally together to push through policy ban harmful pesticides in Malibu which has had a serious negative impact on environmentally sensitive habitat, wildlife and ocean quality. This issue goes to a vote before Malibu City Council on July 10th. On December 9,…
The City of Malibu invites all Malibu community members to join the next virtual workshop to learn about the importance of, and how to participate in, the City’s Organic Waste Recycling Program, on Wednesday, June 15, 7:00 PM. Participants will receive a free, 1.9 gallon, dishwasher-safe kitchen scraps caddy. They are just the right size…
Council Members in Malibu/Lost Hills Region “Blindsided” by Captain Selection for Station
UPDATE: Yesterday, 5/10/22 I received a message from the head of the HOA in one of our neighboring cities serviced by the Lost Hills Station. He was unaware Jennifer Seetoo was appointed Captain (he was originally messaging me about the Sheriff’s election). This was exchange: Last week, the Captain’s selection process by City Managers in the region…
Missing Persons and Mental Health Advocate for Mitrice Richardson Case Withdraws Support for Sheriff Villanueva in 2022 Election
For over a decade, Dr. Ronda Hampton has fought for justice on behalf of those who have no voice. Hampton, a clinical psychologist from Diamond Bar, began her journey as a Missing Persons and Mental Health advocate immediately after 24-year-old Mitrice Richardson disappeared under suspicious circumstances after being released from the Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station…
A message from Council Member Bruce Silverstein: Next Level Censoring at Malibu City Hall – “Mayor” Given Limited Power to Control Public Comment
The Interim City Attorney has provided “guidance” to the City Council about the scope and limits of the ability of the ceremonial “Mayor” to control public comment at City Council meetings. The bottom line is that it may be permissible for the Mayor to limit or cut-off “disruptive” comments, “profane” comments, and comments respecting matters…
Local Perspective: Council Member Silverstein Refutes Claims Made by Burt Ross in Malibu Times
A REPLY TO BURT ROSS / MALIBU TIMES LETTER The Malibu Times recently published a Letter to the Editor from Burt Ross, a self-proclaimed humorist who writes a column for the newspaper. For personal financial reasons, Mr. Ross is aligned with a pro-development faction in Malibu, which is currently represented on City Council by Paul…
Local Perspective – Malibu Resident to Councilmember Mikke Pierson: “Go Facilitate Yourself”!
Malibu Resident to Council Member Mikke Pierson: “Go Facilitate Yourself”! This Local Perspective by Bill Sampson sheds (more) light on the questionable ethics and decisions made by Councilmember Pierson solely for his own political gain. By Malibu Resident Bill Sampson At the March 14, 2022, City Council meeting, Councilmember Mikke Pierson accused some of the…
Silverstein Exonerated – Council Members Mikke Pierson, Karen Farrer, Paul Grisanti Hide Report from Constituents
By Sam Hall Kaplan The independent investigation funded by Malibu prompted by former City Manager Reva Feldman claiming harassment by Councilperson Bruce Silverstein apparently has exonerated him, stupefying the City Council majority. But out of embarrassment, fealty to Reva for whatever reason, or discomfiture with the discerning Silverstein, councilpersons Karen Farrer, Mikke Pierson and Paul…
Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: The Twisted Story of the Investigation in Reva Feldman’s Allegations Against Bruce Silverstein.
The Report is In – Has Been Since July – but the Public May Never See It! If it Exonerates Silverstein that Could Disparage Feldman for making False Accusation, which Malibu Interim Attorney Says Could Violate Her Non-Disparagement Clause If Silverstein was Found Responsible for Harassment, Why Has Report Stayed Buried and No Action Taken…