UPDATE 7/20/23 8:57 a.m.: The Lost Hills Station notified local security at businesses that were harassed by Conor Pilch that he was released from custody as of Wednesday July 19th. The community should be on alert.
Late yesterday afternoon, a man described by a City official as a new “unhoused visitor to Malibu”, was finally taken into custody after terrorizing multiple people, primarily in the Cross Creek area.
Two weeks ago, the man described wearing a black “SOX” hat (the White Sox baseball team logo) threatened to kill a female salesperson at a business in the Lumberyard. The woman filed a police report describing the incident with the Malibu/Lost Hills Station.
Numerous accounts of erratic and particularly violent behavior by the suspect was reported to the station by local business owners and individuals in the Cross Creek, Point Dume and Trancas area, but unfortunately, the incidents called in were mostly dismissed according to the business owners involved.
A city official informed me that the personnel at the station told the Malibu Public Safety Director that the reason deputies did not arrest the suspect who threatened the female victim two weeks ago was because the victim “did not want to press charges” – which is completely false according to witnesses.
This past weekend the suspect was seen in multiple locations around Malibu, returning to the Cross Creek area and threatened to kill yet another store clerk, this time a male.
Yesterday, a community member told me in detail his communication with the Lost Hills station and how were deputies shown the location of the suspect spotting him within 100 feet and instead of apprehending the suspect, they drove off.
Finally after pressure on city officials and the station from the community, the suspect was taken into custody late yesterday afternoon.

It is unknown how long the suspect will remain in custody due to the pro-criminal directives of Los Angeles District Attorney’s office and their refusal to prosecute violent offenders.
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