Editor-in-Chief Cece Woods founded Malibu Daily News in 2021.
Woods began publishing in 2013, creating the lifestyle publication 90265 Magazine. One year later, she launched The Local Malibu, an activism-based platform, in 2014.
The publication was instrumental in the success of two ballot measures, seating three Malibu City Councilmen in 2016, and supporting the top two vote-getters again in 2020.
During the summer of 2018, Woods exposed the law enforcement cover-up in the Malibu Creek State Park Shootings and a few short months later, provided the most comprehensive local news coverage during the Woolsey Fire attracting over 1 million hits across her social media platforms. Â
Woods went on to create the LA political platform The Current Report, exposing the corruption at LA Metro under Philip Washington. She worked with Federal investigators, a watchdog organization, and senators, ultimately leading to Washington withdrawing his nomination to become head of the FAA. Â
In 2020, Woods added Cali Mag to her extensive list of successful publications.               Â