The 2024 Malibu City Council election may be over, but the controversy surrounding the failed re-election bid of pro-development candidate Paul Grisanti is only just beginning. At the heart of the story lies a toxic mix of personal relationships, media influence, and financial power, all leveraged in a futile attempt to unseat incumbents Bruce Silverstein…
A message from Council Member Bruce Silverstein: Next Level Censoring at Malibu City Hall – “Mayor” Given Limited Power to Control Public Comment
The Interim City Attorney has provided “guidance” to the City Council about the scope and limits of the ability of the ceremonial “Mayor” to control public comment at City Council meetings. The bottom line is that it may be permissible for the Mayor to limit or cut-off “disruptive” comments, “profane” comments, and comments respecting matters…
Local Perspective: Council Member Silverstein Refutes Claims Made by Burt Ross in Malibu Times
A REPLY TO BURT ROSS / MALIBU TIMES LETTER The Malibu Times recently published a Letter to the Editor from Burt Ross, a self-proclaimed humorist who writes a column for the newspaper. For personal financial reasons, Mr. Ross is aligned with a pro-development faction in Malibu, which is currently represented on City Council by Paul…
Silverstein Exonerated – Council Members Mikke Pierson, Karen Farrer, Paul Grisanti Hide Report from Constituents
By Sam Hall Kaplan The independent investigation funded by Malibu prompted by former City Manager Reva Feldman claiming harassment by Councilperson Bruce Silverstein apparently has exonerated him, stupefying the City Council majority. But out of embarrassment, fealty to Reva for whatever reason, or discomfiture with the discerning Silverstein, councilpersons Karen Farrer, Mikke Pierson and Paul…