By Trevor Neilson In the aftermath of the horrific Palisades Fire, which claimed lives, destroyed thousands of homes, and upended entire communities, Malibu faces a profound choice: Do we rebuild as we always have, or do we chart a bold new path that prioritizes resilience in the face of mounting climate risks? This is no…
Smear Campaign Backfires in Malibu City Council Race – The Future Looks Grim for Pro-Development Candidate Paul Grisanti
The 2024 Malibu City Council election may be over, but the controversy surrounding the failed re-election bid of pro-development candidate Paul Grisanti is only just beginning. At the heart of the story lies a toxic mix of personal relationships, media influence, and financial power, all leveraged in a futile attempt to unseat incumbents Bruce Silverstein…
Developers Funnel Unprecedented Spending on Behalf of Paul Grisanti’s Malibu City Council Campaign
In a dramatic escalation of campaign activity, developers and real estate interests have funneled an unprecedented amount of money into independent expenditures supporting Malibu City Council incumbent Paul Grisanti. While these funds do not go directly into Grisanti’s campaign accounts, they represent the largest financial backing ever seen in a local election, with developers spending…
Why Malibu Should Reconsider the Use of the Boys and Girls Club Lot and Its $50K Annual Support
The City of Malibu has long supported its local Boys and Girls Club, providing not only a valuable lot for its youth programs but also $50,000 annually to help fund its operations. While this partnership was once seen as a positive investment in the community’s future, recent controversies surrounding the club and its leadership raise…
Malibu Boys and Girls Club Board President Forced to Resign After Sending Smear Campaign Text Targeting City Council Member
Nathan Jones, the now-former Board President of the Malibu Boys and Girls Club, has resigned following allegations that he knowingly distributed a smear campaign targeting Councilmember Bruce Silverstein. The resignation follows revelations of a politically charged exchange, sparking controversy during Malibu’s already heated election season. Sally Phillips, an expert in human resources and executive coaching,…
Baywatch Star David Charvet’s Business Partner, President of Malibu Boys and Girls Club, Linked to Smear Campaign Against Bruce Silverstein Amidst Criminal Allegations
Malibu, CA — The Malibu City Council election has taken a dramatic turn as Bruce Silverstein, a current council member known for his opposition to unchecked development, has become the target of a smear campaign tied back to Nathan Jones via his cell phone number. Jones is the president of the Boys and Girls Club…
Grisanti Claims Credit for “Crushing” Malibu’s Dangerous Car Club Races — But Did His Real Estate Ally Stage it For Politics?
In a surprising turn of events, Malibu City Councilman Paul Grisanti has publicly claimed responsibility for halting a dangerous car club gathering in the Malibu mountains, suggesting that Trevor Neilson, a local resident, should “thank him” for his efforts. A rather contradictory claim on many levels especially given Grisanti is a confirmed car club supporter,…
Newsom Passes Speed Cameras in Malibu – PCH Safety Pushes Forward, But Not Without A History of Pushback
Friday, the City of Malibu announced that Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 1297, co-authored by Senator Ben Allen and Assembly Member Jacqui Irwin, into law. SB 1297 is a key component to turn the tide on what Governor Newsom described earlier this year as, “one of the most iconic drives in California, if not the…
The Malibu Local Election Imperative
By Sam Hall Kaplan If there is a paramount issue in the upcoming local election, it is the candidacy of Paul Grisanti, and the imperative importance of his defeat. Malibu does not need, neither can it afford, four more years of his scheming on City Council; his blatant bowing to special interests, blocking urgent public…
An Idea Whose Time Has Come
By Lester Tobias City Council, City Manager and Council candidates, In my 2013 self-help guide, BUILDING IN THE ‘BU: NAVIGATING THE MALIBU ZONING CODE, I open the book by stating that fixing the broken planning process and planning department is an election season, lip service issue that is promptly dismissed once the ballots have been…